
5. Options page (FakeTag User Guide)

In this chapter, you will learn how to use FakeTag's options page.

Opening the options page

By toolbar icon

Right-click on the toolbar icon () and choose "Options".

By extension manager

Open the extension manager (chrome://extensions/) and look for an entry labeled "FakeTag", then click "Details" to open the details page. In it, there is a link to the options page labeled "Extension options".


On the left side of the options page, there is a list of option categories. Click one of them to open the corresponding option subpage.

The last item is a link to the bookmark manager.

"Search operators" subpage

In this subpage, you can change characters to use as search operators.

Click "Edit" to open a text box. Click "Save" or press Enter to save your modification. Click "Cancel" or press Esc to cancel it.

A search operator can be any character that doesn't belong to whitespace characters, but you are strongly advised to avoid one that is used for your tag (folder) names, otherwise your search terms can be parsed incorrectly.

To disable a search operator, leave the text box empty and save.

"Notes" subpage

In this subpage, you can delete "unused notes".

What is "unused note"?

Let's say, you create a bookmark for a fictional website called "Long story" (http://longstory.com/) with "Literature" and "Read later" tags attached to it, along with a note indicating where you left off the last time you visited it ("p1024"). As already mentioned in chapter 2, the note is stored separately from other data.

[Storage for folders/bookmarks]
┣ [F1: "Literature"]
┃  ┗ [B1: "Long story"] (=> http://longstory.com/)
┗ [F2: "Read later"]
   ┗ [B2: "Long story"] (=> http://longstory.com/)

FakeTag treats the folder/bookmark relationships above as:
[B1/B2: "Long story"] ~ [T1: "Literature"][T2: "Read later"]

[Storage for notes]
http://longstory.com/ => "p1024"

Now, imagine that you detach both tags, which is equal to removing two bookmarks that point to http://longstory.com/, without deleting the note.

[Storage for folders/bookmarks]
┣ [F1: "Literature"]
┗ [F2: "Read later"]

[Storage for notes]
http://longstory.com/ => "p1024"

The note "p1024" is now associated with a URL that no bookmark points to. Notes like this are called "unused notes".

Deleting unused notes

To delete unused notes, select them and click "Delete selected notes".

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